The Jimmy Hisghman Legacy

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Mr. James R. Hisghman, Jr., known to many throughout Virginia’s Agricultural Education community as Mr. Hisghman or simply Jimmy, served as agricultural educator for 30 years. 

Jimmy graduated from Strasburg High School in June 1973, then continued his education at Virginia Tech, where he graduated in 1977. He began his teaching career at Strasburg High School in July 1977, and remained there until he transfered to Signal Knob Middle School to open their middle school program in 1991, where Jimmy continued to teach until his retirement in 2007. 

Throughout his career, Jimmy was instrumental in promoting and developing the FFA Camp program, both at Smithfield and later Graves Mountain Lodge. Jimmy was also very successful with his FFA members in the areas of forestry, soils judging, and the annual National Chapter Award. During his career, Jimmy was always willing to assist other ag. teachers around the state with demonstrations on mechanics laboratory management and serving as a resource for middle school career development events. 

After his retirement, Mr. Hisghman created Teaberry Hill Woodworks, a homegrown business which focuses on producing and selling affordable precut mechanics projects to assist teachers in teaching basic woodworking and metal working skills for their students. Jimmy has also conducted many middle school CDEs across the state of Virginia at the Federation, Area, and State levels for numerous years.

This legacy fund, created to recognize Jimmy Hisghman and his multitude of accomplishments and support for Virginia FFA, will support middle school CDEs at Virginia’s annual FFA State Convention.

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